Rozwiązanie – operacje na listach lokatorów

TIP: Cały kod testów z poszczególnych lekcji znajdziesz w specjalnie przygotowanym repozytorium:

TIP: Ta lekcja jest częścią rozwijanego Programu Testy Automatyczne z Playwright 🎭

Przykładowe rozwiązanie

Rozwiązanie podstawowe

import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";

test.describe("Multiple checkboxes", () => {
  test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
    await page.goto("/practice/simple-multiple-elements-no-ids.html");

  test("action on multiple checkboxes", async ({ page }) => {
    // Arrange:
    const elementRole = "checkbox";
    const resultsTestId = "dti-results";
    const expectedNumberOfElements = 5;

    const checkboxLocator = page.getByRole(elementRole);
    const resultsLocator = page.getByTestId(resultsTestId);

    // Assert:
    await expect(checkboxLocator).toHaveCount(expectedNumberOfElements);

    let numberOfFoundCheckboxes = await checkboxLocator.count();
    for (let i = 0; i < numberOfFoundCheckboxes; i++) {
      // Act:
      await checkboxLocator.nth(i).check();

      // display the text content of the results element
      console.log("results text content:", await resultsLocator.textContent());

Rozwiązanie trudniejsze, z asercją

import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";

test.describe("Multiple locators", () => {
  test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
    await page.goto("/practice/simple-multiple-elements-no-ids.html");

  test("action on multiple checkboxes (advanced, with assertion)", async ({
  }) => {
    // Arrange:
    const elementRole = "checkbox";
    const resultsTestId = "dti-results";
    const expectedMessages = {
      0: "Checkbox is checked! (Opt 1!)",
      1: "Checkbox is checked! (Opt 2!)",
      2: "Checkbox is checked! (Opt 3!)",
      3: "Checkbox is checked! (Opt 4!)",
      4: "Checkbox is checked! (Opt 5!)",
    const expectedNumberOfElements = 5;

    const checkboxLocator = page.getByRole(elementRole);
    const resultsLocator = page.getByTestId(resultsTestId);

    // Assert:
    await expect(checkboxLocator).toHaveCount(expectedNumberOfElements);

    // Act & Assert:
    let numberOfFoundCheckboxes = await checkboxLocator.count();
    for (let i = 0; i < numberOfFoundCheckboxes; i++) {
      // Act:
      await checkboxLocator.nth(i).check();
      console.log(await resultsLocator.innerText());

      // Assert:
      await expect.soft(resultsLocator).toHaveText(expectedMessages[i]);


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